Friday, December 10, 2010

Josh Lay/Demonologists Split Cassette Out Now

greetingsss ladies and gentlemen, night prowlers, freaks, lurkers and creeps, people of the night, noisers, headbangers, ladyboyz, grave robbers, etc. (you get the picture)...
we're stoked to let you in on the fact that the josh lay / demonologists split cassette is now available from side of the sun recordings!
the first pressing of this split is pretty limited, so if yr interested in getting a copy, i wouldn't waste much time...

contact via myspace message or sotsrecordings at yahoo dot com

josh lay (ky) and demonologists (in) offer up one 15 minute long side each on this sick pairing of dark audio soundscapes...
a long time in the works, we're very excited to have this split finally come to life (brought back from the dead, twice now)...

side 1: josh lay - bad mirror pt. 2

side 2: demonologists - tranquil mutilation

contact side of the sun recordings for information on how to obtain a copy!!!

these won't last long, first come, first serve.....

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