This is an alphabetized collection of the posts from the main thread as well as other local bands and artists. It is unfinished and a work in progress; please don't mind the mess.
Please send missing band/artist entries, descriptions, related artists (and in what sense) or any other useful info to Eric at eric.sunderman (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll add it. Only DIY bands and artists will be added.
Regarding entries:
- Genre labels are extremely arbitrary, and only for unfamiliar folks to get a general idea.
- Related bands (by sound, touring, or shared members) are those that have been active in the scene within the past few years (or more... buahahahaha!!!!!! - treebeard).
Beneath Oblivion
GENRE: Doom metal
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Epic, loud, melancholic doom metal with a minimalist approach to elements of other types of music such as post-hardcore, punk, metal, sludge, drone, noise, and even shoegaze.”
CONTACT: Scott Simpson (BeneathOblivion (at) yahoo (dot) com)
RELATED: Thorns of the Carrion, Highgate, Bog
Born as Ghosts
GENRE: Hardcore / Metal
CONTACT: bornasghosts (at) live (dot) com
The Brothers & The Sisters
GENRE: Americana
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Twangy, folky, American songbook goodness from Kentucky.”
CONTACT: thebrothersandthesisters (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: The Guitars, Motorcycle Tapedeck, Death in Graceland, noarmsnolegs, Rudy Pat
Chemical Committee (CemCom)
GENRE: Hip-hop
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Beta Max & Freak1, robo-tripping NES-driven hiphop from the Ill-umi-Nati.”
WEBSITE: Myspace
Dead North
GENRE: Pop punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Pop punk band that wishes they were ALK3, GOOD LUCK, BANNER PILOT, JAPANTHER, and THE LAWRENCE ARMS all at the same time. That's embarrassing.”
CONTACT: John (john_hoffman (at) live (dot) com)
RELATED: Thee Alliance
Defective Males
WEBSITE: Myspace
RELATED: Fucked for Life, Restraint, Meeoow Motherfucker
DJ Benigma
GENRE: Electronic
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Glitchy dance music cutups.”
CONTACT: fleiscbw (at) email (dot) uc (dot) edu
DJ Immolation
GENRE: Gabber / Speedcore
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Delectable gabber/terrorcore/speedcore coming from Batavia.”
WEBSITE: Myspace
The Dopamines
GENRE: Pop punk
RELATED: Black Tie Bombers, John Walsh, Dead Serious!
GENRE: Hip-hop
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Progressive psych-hip-hop.”
WEBSITE: | Myspace
CONTACT: evolveskull1 (at) hotmail (dot) com OR swillmedia (at) hotmail (dot) com
RELATED: Realicide, Jim Swill, Mavis Concave
Fucked for Life
GENRE: Hardcore punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “D-beat hardcore punk.”
WEBSITE: Myspace
CONTACT: Kaleb (sacredplague (at) gmail (dot) com) / Henry (henbru3 (at) gmail (dot) com)
RELATED: Brody’s Militia, I Fail, Defective Males, Silo, Captives, 16 Piece Bucket, Meeoow Motherfucker, inblackandwhite, Mosquitos Can Kill, Inside Recess, Means to an End, Restraint
GENRE: Noise
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Artsy noise music.”
WEBSITE: Bandcamp
The Guitars
GENRE: Rock / R&B
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Maximum R&B from a rather rural area. Sweat, grit ‘n’ soul abounds.”
CONTACT: wearetheguitars (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: The Brothers and Sisters, Crybaby, Motorcycle Tapedeck, Death in Graceland, noarmsnolegs, Rudy Pat
I Fail
GENRE: Post-hardcore / Screamo
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Post-hardcore / emotional hardcore.”
CONTACT: Kaleb (sacredplague (at) gmail (dot) com) | Patrick (losthandsfoundfingers (at) gmail (dot) com)
RELATED: Fucked for Life, Lost Hands Found Fingers, Captives, inblackandwhite, Mosquitos Can Kill, Inside Recess, Means to an End
Jim Swill
GENRE: Spoken word
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Cinci's own author and spoken word artist.”
WEBSITE: Myspace
CONTACT: swillmedia (at) hotmail (dot) com
RELATED: Realicide, Evolve, Mavis Concave
Knife the Symphony
GENRE: Post-hardcore
RELATED: Mala in Se
Mavis Concave
GENRE: Breakcore
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Glitchy, melodic breakbeats, with a punk edge but not overly abrasive. (Also, I'm down to DJ events. Dubstep, drum'n'bass, hip-hop, punk, fun mashups).”
WEBSITE: Myspace
CONTACT: mavisconcave (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: Realicide, Jim Swill
GENRE: Indie rock
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Wimpy indie band with mild aggression.”
CONTACT: Alex (jalexyork (at) gmail (dot) com)
RELATED: White Walls, Black River Falls, Eight-Bit
Pumpkin Slut
WEBSITE: Myspace
CONTACT: fromtromaville24 (at) gmail (dot) com
GENRE: Gabber / Hardcore punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Contemporary digital hxc punk.”
WEBSITE: | Myspace
CONTACT: robertinhuman (at) hotmail (dot) com
RELATED: Mavis Concave, Jim Swill, Evolve
Rocket 00000
GENRE: Noise rock / Post-punk / Post-hardcore
SELF-DESCRIBED: “A heavier, more Louisville-esque …TRAIL OF DEAD or UNWOUND.”
WEBSITE: Bandcamp
CONTACT: Kevin (deadramoneszine (at )gmail (dot) com)
RELATED: K Brutal, Weakness
Silent Tongues
GENRE: Indie / Pop
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Black power-pop.”
RELATED: Veterans, Pageant of Snakes, Love as Arson
GENRE: Hardcore punk / Crust
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Dire, apocalyptic raw punk.”
WEBSITE: | Solar Funeral Blog
CONTACT: solar.funeral (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: Black Dove, Nukkehammer, The Awakening, Vile Gash, Captives, Dismal, Tumorfeast, Fucked for Life, Paralyzer
T.D. Reisert
GENRE: Folk / Blues
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Like Edgar Lee Masters's Spoon River Anthology, blurry Holga photographs, and that feeling before the river reaches floodstage.”
CONTACT: tdreisert (at) gmail (dot) com
Thought Suppression
GENRE: Hardcore punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Hardcore punk with some d-beat/thrash influences.”
CONTACT: wankerzxs (at) gmail (dot) com
GENRE: Spoken Wordgrind / Mumblecore
SELF-DESCRIBED: "Judeo-Christian grindwolves cannot be commanded." - Dennis (Solar Funeral Records)
SELF-DESCRIBED: "Judeo-Christian grindwolves cannot be commanded." - Dennis (Solar Funeral Records)
CONTACT: timadams1 (at) fuse (dot) net
RELATED: Gospel Death Squad
RELATED: Gospel Death Squad
Till Plains
GENRE: Punk / Indie rock
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Four dudes who like anthemic punk rock and weird other music too much to keep the two mutually exclusive.”
WEBSITE: Myspace |
RELATED: Vacation, The Frankl Project, The Pinstripes
GENRE: Pop punk / Indie rock
CONTACT: vacationohio (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: Till Plains, The Read, You’ll Get Yours
GENRE: Hardcore / Post-punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Political postgrungecore.”
CONTACT: thejoefoster (at) gmail (dot) com OR veteranscincinnati (at) gmail (dot) com
RELATED: NTG, Pageant of Snakes, Silent Tongues, Love as Arson
RELATED: Rocket 00000, K Brutal
White Walls
White Walls
GENRE: Hardcore punk
SELF-DESCRIBED: “Noise ridden hardcore punk.”
CONTACT: Alex (jalexyork (at) gmail (dot) com)
RELATED: Holy Wars, Order 66, Portions